
/mahn'sah nee"yaw/, n.
a seaport in SE Cuba. 77,880.

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      city, eastern Cuba. Founded in 1784, Manzanillo lies amid swamplands at the head of the shallow Gulf of Guacanayabo. It is a commercial and manufacturing centre for the fertile agricultural district to the east and north, which produces sugarcane, fruit, rice, cattle, and a variety of other items. Manzanillo contains sugar refineries, sawmills, tanneries, canneries, and cigar factories. Zinc and copper deposits are located in the vicinity. The port handles mainly sugar products, tobacco, and hardwoods; fishing also contributes to the economy. Manzanillo is linked by railroad and highway to Santiago de Cuba and has an airfield. Pop. (2002) 97,038.

      city and port, western Colima estado (state), west-central Mexico. It lies on the Pacific Ocean between Manzanillo Bay and Cuyutlán Lagoon. In pre-Columbian times the site was occupied by the town of Tzalahua, and ships for Hernán Cortés' expedition (1533) to the Gulf of California were built there. The city's commercial and manufacturing activities are based on the products from the farmlands, forests, and waters of Colima and part of neighbouring Jalisco state, which are gathered into and shipped from Manzanillo. The chief exports include copra, corn (maize), bananas, lemons, fish, minerals, lumber, wine, and canned goods. The beautiful beaches along Manzanillo Bay and Santiago Bay, north of the port, are tourist destinations, and many international resorts now contribute to the local economy. Manzanillo is accessible by railroad and highway from Colima city, the state capital, to the northeast, and is served by domestic airlines. Pop. (2005 prelim.) 137,842.

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