
/mahn"tah, -teuh/, n.
a seaport in W Ecuador, on Manta Bay. 64,569.

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      port city, western Ecuador, on the Bahía (bay) de Manta. Originally known as Jocay (“Golden Doors”), it was inhabited by 3000 BC and was a Manta Indian capital by AD 1200. Under Spanish rule it was renamed Manta and was reorganized by the conquistador Francisco Pancheco in 1535. In 1565 families from Portoviejo were moved to the town, which was again renamed San Pablo de Manta (officially Manta in 1965). A commercial centre once known primarily for the export of Panama hats, it now ships coffee, cacao (source of cocoa beans), bananas, cotton, textiles, and fish. Deep-sea commercial fishing is based there, and Manta has a tuna cannery. Tourism has grown since seaside resort and fishing facilities were established. The U.S. Southern Command maintains a forward operating location (air base) in Manta, mainly for counterdrug and contingency operations but also for humanitarian and civic assistance projects. Pop. (2001) 183,105.

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