- mandrake
/man"drayk, -drik/, n.1. a narcotic, short-stemmed European plant, Mandragora officinarum, of the nightshade family, having a fleshy, often forked root somewhat resembling a human form.2. the May apple.[1275-1325; ME, var. of mandrage (short for MANDRAGORA), taken by folk etymology as MAN1 + DRAKE2]
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Any of six plant species of the genus Mandragora (nightshade family), native to the Mediterranean and the Himalayas.The best-known species, M. officinarum, has a short stem bearing a tuft of ovate flowers, with a thick, fleshy, often forked root. The mandrake has long been known for its poisonous properties. In ancient times it was used as a narcotic and an aphrodisiac, and it was believed to have magical powers. When pulled from the ground, its forked root, supposed to resemble the human form, was said to utter a shriek that killed or drove mad anyone who heard it. Once pulled, however, the plant was said to provide soothing sleep, heal wounds, induce love, and facilitate pregnancy. In North America, the name "mandrake" is often used for the mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), a spring forest wildflower.* * *
▪ Mandragora genusany of six plant species belonging to the genus Mandragora (family Solanaceae) that are native to the Mediterranean region and the Himalayas. The best-known species, M. officinarum, has a short stem bearing a tuft of ovate flowers, with a thick, fleshy root that is often forked. The flowers are solitary, with a purple bell-shaped corolla, and the fruit is a fleshy orange-coloured berry.The mandrake has long been known for its poisonous properties. In ancient times it was used as a narcotic and an aphrodisiac, and it was also believed to have certain magical powers. Its forked root, seemingly resembling the human form, was thought to be in the power of dark earth spirits. It was believed that the mandrake could be safely uprooted only in the moonlight, after appropriate prayer and ritual, by a black dog attached to the plant by a cord. Human hands were not to come in contact with the plant. In medieval times it was thought that as the mandrake was pulled from the ground it uttered a shriek that killed or drove mad those who did not block their ears against it. After the plant had been freed from the earth, it could be used for beneficent purposes, such as healing, inducing love, facilitating pregnancy, and providing soothing sleep.* * *
Universalium. 2010.