Mahogany — Ma*hog a*ny, Mahogany tree Ma*hog a*ny tree , n. [From the South American name.] 1. (Bot.) A large tree of the genus {Swietenia} ({Swietenia Mahogoni}), found in tropical America. [1913 Webster] Note: Several other trees, with wood more or less… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mahogany — (englisch für Mahagoni) steht für: Mahogany (Film), ein Film aus dem Jahre 1975, produziert von Berry Gordy Mahogany ist der Name folgender Personen: Kevin Mahogany (* 1958), US amerikanischer Jazz Sänger … Deutsch Wikipedia
mahogany — [mə häg′ə nē, məhôg′ə nē] n. pl. mahoganies [earlier mohogeney < ?] 1. a) any of a genus (Swietenia) of tropical trees of the mahogany family, with dark, heavy heartwood b) the wood of any of these trees; esp., the hard, reddish brown to… … English World dictionary
mahogany — (n.) 1670s, from Sp. mahogani, of unknown origin; perhaps from the tree s native name in Maya (Honduras). As an adjective from 1730 … Etymology dictionary
mahogany — ► NOUN 1) hard reddish brown wood from a tropical tree, used for furniture. 2) a rich reddish brown colour. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
Mahogany — This article is about the timber. For other uses, see Mahogany (disambiguation). Honduras mahogany The name mahogany is used when referring to numerous varieties of dark colored hardwood. It is a native American word originally used for the wood… … Wikipedia
mahogany — noun (plural nies) Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1660 1. the wood of any of various chiefly tropical trees (family Meliaceae, the mahogany family): a. (1) the durable yellowish brown to reddish brown usually moderately hard and heavy wood of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mahogany — amerikinė svietenija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Melijinių šeimos medieninis nuodingas augalas (Swietenia mahagoni), paplitęs Floridoje ir Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Swietenia mahagoni angl. Cuban mahogany; Mahogany; Spanish… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
mahogany — /məˈhɒgəni / (say muh hoguhnee) noun (plural mahoganies) 1. any of certain tropical American trees, especially Swietenia mahagoni and S. macrophylla, yielding a hard, reddish brown wood highly esteemed for making fine furniture, etc. 2. the wood… …
mahogany — UK [məˈhɒɡənɪ] / US [məˈhɑɡənɪ] noun Word forms mahogany : singular mahogany plural mahoganies 1) a) [uncountable] a hard brown red wood, used for making furniture b) [countable] the tree that produces this wood 2) [uncountable] a brown red… … English dictionary