
/may"gog/, n.
1. a people descended from Japheth. Gen. 10:2; Ezek. 38, 39. Cf. Gog and Magog.
2. a city in S Quebec, in E Canada. 13,604.

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      city, Estrie region, southern Quebec province, Canada, lying along the Magog River, near the foot of Lake Memphremagog, 20 miles (32 km) north of the border with Vermont, U.S. The town site, originally an Indian camp, was a stopping place on the trail from the Connecticut River to the St. Lawrence. It was first settled about 1776 by loyalist refugees from the American Revolution. Water-powered gristmills and sawmills were built in 1798, and a school was opened in 1818. Calico printing began in 1884. Originally called The Outlet (because of its location where the lake empties into the river), the settlement adopted an abbreviation of Memphremagog for its name in 1855, when it was incorporated as a town.

      Well known as a fishing, boating, and skiing resort, it also produces textiles, clothing, dairy foods, and metal castings. Mixed farming, lumbering, and asbestos mining are local economic activities. Inc. city, 1888. Pop. (2006) 23,880.

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Universalium. 2010.

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