
/meuh koom"beuh/, n.
a Brazilian cult incorporating the use of fetishes and sorcery and deriving largely from African practices.
[1935-40; < Pg]

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Afro-Brazilian religion characterized by the syncretism of traditional African religions, Brazilian spiritualism, and Roman Catholicism.

Of the several Macumba sects in Brazil, the most important are Candomblé and Umbanda. African elements include an outdoor ceremonial site, the sacrifice of animals (e.g., cocks), spirit offerings (e.g., candles and flowers), and dances. Macumba rites are led by mediums, who fall prostrate in trances and communicate with holy spirits. Roman Catholic elements include the cross and the worship of saints, who are given African names.

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      Afro-Brazilian religion that is characterized by a marked syncretism of traditional African religions, European culture, Brazilian Spiritualism, and Roman Catholicism. Of the several Macumba sects, the most important are Candomblé and Umbanda.

      African elements in Macumba rituals include an outdoor ceremonial site, the sacrifice of animals (such as cocks), spirit offerings (such as candles, cigars, and flowers), and ritual dances. Macumba rites are led by mediums, who fall prostrate in trances and communicate with holy spirits. Roman Catholic elements include use of the cross and the worship of saints, who are given African names such as Ogum (St. George), Xangô (St. Jerome), and Iemanjá (the Virgin Mary).

      Candomblé, practiced in Bahia state, is considered to be the most African of the Macumba sects. Umbanda, practiced in urban areas such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, is more sophisticated and reflects Hindu and Buddhist influence; its appeal has spread to the white middle class. Despite attempts by Christian churches to combat them, Macumba sects continue to flourish throughout Brazil.

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Universalium. 2010.

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