
/loord, loordz/; Fr. /loohrddd/, n.
a city in SW France: Roman Catholic shrine famed for miraculous cures. 18,096.

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Pilgrimage site in southwestern France, situated southwest of Toulouse at the foot of the Pyrenees.

The town and its fortress formed a strategic stronghold in medieval times, but its modern significance dates from 1858, when a 14-year-old girl had repeated visions of the Virgin Mary (see Bernadette of Lourdes). The visions were declared authentic by Pope Pius IX in 1862. The underground spring in the grotto where Bernadette had her visions was declared to have miraculous qualities, and Lourdes has since become one of the foremost destinations for Roman Catholic pilgrims. Nearly 3 million visit annually, many of them sick or disabled people hoping to be healed. A basilica was built above the grotto in 1876, and a vast underground church was added in 1958.

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 pilgrimage town, Hautes-Pyrénées département, Midi-Pyrénées région, southwestern France, southwest of Toulouse. Situated at the foot of the Pyrenees and now on both banks of a torrent, the Gave de Pau, the town and its fortress formed a strategic stronghold in medieval times. During the Hundred Years' War the French captured it from the English in 1406 after an 18-month siege. The medieval castle, on the right bank of the Gave de Pau, has an interesting 14th-century keep. From the reign of Louis XIV (16431715) to the beginning of the 19th century, the castle was used as a state prison.

      The contemporary importance of Lourdes dates from 1858. In that year, from February 11 to July 16, Bernadette Soubirous (Bernadette of Lourdes, Saint), a 14-year-old girl, had numerous visions of the Virgin Mary in the nearby Massabielle grotto, on the left bank of the stream. The visions were declared authentic by Pope Pius IX in 1862, and veneration of Mary as Our Lady of Lourdes was authorized. The underground spring in the grotto, revealed to Bernadette, was declared to have miraculous qualities, and Lourdes became a major pilgrimage centre. The basilica, built above the grotto in 1876, eventually became overcrowded by the increasing number of pilgrims, and in 1958 an immense prestressed concrete underground church, seating 20,000, was dedicated. Lourdes is visited by millions every year, and tourism plays a dominant role in the local economy. There are numerous small- and medium-sized manufacturing and service firms located in the town. Pop. (1999) 15,203; (2005 est.) 15,100.

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