
loudly, adv.loudness, n.
/lowd/, adj., louder, loudest, adv.
1. (of sound) strongly audible; having exceptional volume or intensity: loud talking; loud thunder; loud whispers.
2. making, emitting, or uttering strongly audible sounds: a quartet of loud trombones.
3. clamorous, vociferous, or blatant; noisy: a loud party; a loud demonstration.
4. emphatic or insistent: to be loud in one's praises; a loud denial.
5. garish, conspicuous, or ostentatious, as colors, dress, or the wearer of garish dress: loud ties; a loud dresser.
6. obtrusively vulgar, as manners or persons.
7. strong or offensive in smell.
8. in a loud manner; loudly: Don't talk so loud.
9. out loud, aloud; audibly: I thought it, but I never said it out loud. Just whisper, don't speak out loud.
[bef. 900; ME; OE hlud; c. OFris, OS hlud (D luid), OHG hlut (G laut); akin to Gk klytós famous]
Syn. 1. resounding; deafening; stentorian. LOUD, NOISY describe a strongly audible sound or sounds. LOUD means characterized by a full, powerful sound or sounds, which make a strong impression on the organs of hearing: a loud voice, laugh, report. NOISY refers to a series of sounds, and suggests clamor and discordance, or persistence in making loud sounds that are disturbing and annoying: a noisy crowd. 5. gaudy, flashy, showy.
Ant. 1. quiet.

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