
/loh"dhee euhn/, n.
a region in E Scotland. 754,008; 700 sq. mi. (1813 sq. km).

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ancient province, Scotland
also called  Lyonnesse  

      a primitive province of Scotland lying between the Rivers Tweed and Forth. The name, of Welsh origin but uncertain meaning, is retained in the names of the modern Scottish council areas of East and West Lothian and Midlothian and the historic region of Lothian. Occupied in the 3rd and 4th centuries by a British tribe called by the Romans theVotadini,” the area seems by the mid-7th century to have been conquered by the Angles settled in northern England. Kenneth I MacAlpin, first king of the Picts and of the Scots, made southward attacks in the mid-9th century, and from about 975 Lothian was held by Scottish kings. King Edward III of England acquired it in 1333, and it was only gradually won back by the Scots, the border town of Berwick-upon-Tweed remaining, from 1482, in English hands.

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