
loftily, adv.loftiness, n.
/lawf"tee, lof"-/, adj., loftier, loftiest.
1. extending high in the air; of imposing height; towering: lofty mountains.
2. exalted in rank, dignity, or character; eminent.
3. elevated in style, tone, or sentiment, as writings or speech.
4. arrogantly or condescendingly superior in manner; haughty: to treat someone in a lofty manner.
5. Naut. noting a rig of a sailing ship having extraordinarily high masts.
6. (of fabric or yarn) thick and resilient.
[1400-50; late ME; see LOFT, -Y1]
Syn. 1. elevated. See high. 3. sublime. 4. supercilious.
Ant. 2. lowly. 4. humble.

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  • Lofty — may refer to:* Lofty ideal * Mount Lofty (disambiguation) * Lofty s Roach Souffle , a 1990 instrumental music album by Harry Connick Jr. * Lofty Storm Records, a music record labelPeople * Lofty, a fictional character on the 1986 animated… …   Wikipedia

  • Lofty — Loft y, a. [Compar. {Loftier}; superl. {Loftiest}.] [From {Loft}.] 1. Lifted high up; having great height; towering; high. [1913 Webster] See lofty Lebanon his head advance. Pope. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: Elevated in character, rank, dignity,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lofty — [adj1] high, elevated aerial, airy, high rise, lifted, raised, sky high, skyscraping, skyward, soaring, spiring, tall, towering; concept 779 Ant. below, beneath, low lofty [adj2] grand, stately arresting, benevolent, big, chivalrous, commanding,… …   New thesaurus

  • lofty — [lôf′tē, läf′tē] adj. loftier, loftiest 1. very high [a lofty peak in the Alps] 2. elevated; noble; sublime 3. haughty; arrogant loftily adv. loftiness n …   English World dictionary

  • Lofty — Lofty, höchste Spitze der Gawlerkette (Südaustralien), 3000 Fuß hoch …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • lofty — index grandiose, magnanimous, meritorious, orgulous, presumptuous, prominent, proud (self respecting), remarkable …   Law dictionary

  • lofty — (adj.) exalted, of high rank, early 15c.; also with a high purpose, from LOFT (Cf. loft) + Y (Cf. y) (2). From early 14c. as a surname. Literal sense of high is attested from 1580s. Related: Loftily; loftiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • lofty — *high, tall Analogous words: elevated, raised, lifted (see LIFT): exalted, magnified, aggrandized (see EXALT): imposing, stately, august, majestic (see GRAND): sublime, glorious, superb (see SPLENDID) Contrasted words: lowly, *humble, modest …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • lofty — ► ADJECTIVE (loftier, loftiest) 1) of imposing height. 2) noble; elevated. 3) haughty and aloof. 4) (of wool and other textiles) thick and resilient. DERIVATIVES loftily adverb lofti …   English terms dictionary

  • lofty — [[t]lɒ̱fti, AM lɔ͟ːf [/t]] loftier, loftiest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A lofty ideal or ambition is noble, important, and admirable. It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals... Amid the chaos, he had lofty aims. 2) ADJ… …   English dictionary

  • lofty — UK [ˈlɒftɪ] / US [ˈlɔftɪ] adjective Word forms lofty : adjective lofty comparative loftier superlative loftiest mainly literary 1) a lofty building or structure is very tall The town hall s lofty tower dates from the fourteenth century. 2) lofty… …   English dictionary

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