Llano Estacado

Llano Estacado
/lah"noh es'teuh kah"doh, lan"oh/
a large plateau in the SW United States, in W Texas and SE New Mexico: cattle-grazing region. 1000-5000 ft. (300-1500 m) above sea level. Also called Staked Plain.

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Plateau, southeastern New Mexico, western Texas, and northwestern Oklahoma in the U.S. Occupying an area of about 30,000 sq mi (78,000 sq km), it is a semiarid plain with occasional pools of rainwater.

Its soil supports grazing, dryland farming of grains, and irrigated cotton production. Production of petroleum and natural gas is also important. Lubbock and Amarillo, Texas, are its most important cities.

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also called  Staked Plains,  

      portion of the High Plains of the United States, along the TexasNew Mexico border. It covers an area of about 30,000 square miles (78,000 square km) and is bounded by the Canadian River valley (north), thebreak of the plains” (east), the Edwards Plateau (south), and the Mescalero Ridge overlooking the Pecos River (west). Strikingly level in appearance and averaging 3,0004,000 feet (9001,200 m) above sea level, the semiarid plain is occasionally broken by localized water-retaining depressions. Its potentially fertile soils, though handicapped by meagre rainfall, high evaporation rates, and periodic droughts, support grazing, dry-land farming of wheat and grain sorghums, and irrigated cotton production. Production of petroleum and natural gas is also important. Lubbock and Amarillo, Tex., are the most important cities in the region; but a less than salubrious climate and isolation combine to restrict population growth.

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