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econometrical — econometˈric or econometˈrical adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑economy … Useful english dictionary
Reserve currency — A reserve currency (or anchor currency) is a currency which is held in significant quantities by many governments and institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves. It also tends to be the international pricing currency for products… … Wikipedia
Economics of Corruption — applies economic tools to the analysis of corruption. Rigorous study of corruption by economists commenced in 1980s. In 1968, Nobel laureate economist Gunner Myrdal found corruption almost a taboo (among economists) as research topic . Indeed it… … Wikipedia
econometrics — econometric, econometrical, adj. econometrician /i kon euh mi trish euhn/, econometrist, n. /i kon euh me triks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) Econ. the application of statistical and mathematical techniques in solving problems as well as in testing … Universalium
econometrics — [ɪˌkɒnə mɛtrɪks] plural noun [treated as sing.] the branch of economics concerned with the use of mathematical methods (especially statistics) in describing economic systems. Derivatives econometric adjective econometrical adjective… … English new terms dictionary
econometrics — /əkɒnəˈmɛtrɪks/ (say uhkonuh metriks), /ikɒn / (say eekon ) noun the analysis by statistical and mathematical methods of economic data, theories, etc. –econometric, econometrical, adjective –econometrician /əkɒnəməˈtrɪʃən/ (say uhkonuhmuh… …
econometrics — (usu. treated as sing.) a branch of economics concerned with the application of mathematical economics to economic data by the use of statistics. Derivatives: econometric adj. econometrical adj. econometrician n. econometrist n. Etymology:… … Useful english dictionary