
/luy"neuhs/, n.
1. Class. Myth.
a. a musician and poet, the inventor of melody and rhythm, of whom various stories are told: often identified, through his untimely death, with the harvesting or withering of crops and vegetation.
b. Also called Linus song. a dirge: originally sung in western Asia to mourn the death of crops being harvested, later sung to mourn the death of Linus or that of Adonis.
2. a male given name.
/luy"neuhs/, n.
Saint, died A.D. 76?, pope 67?-76?.

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also spelled  Linos  

      in Greek mythology, the personification of lamentation; the name derives from the ritual cry ailinon, the refrain of a dirge. Two principal stories, associated with Argos and Thebes, respectively, arose to explain the origin of the lament.

      According to the Argive story, recounted by the 2nd-century-AD traveler Pausanias, Linus, the child of Apollo (god of light, truth, and prophecy) and Psamathe (the daughter of Crotopus, king of Argos), was exposed at birth and torn to pieces by dogs. In revenge, Apollo sent a Poine, or avenging spirit, which destroyed the Argive children. The hero Coroebus killed the Poine, and a festival, Arnis, otherwise called dog-killing day (kunophontis), was instituted, in which stray dogs were killed, sacrifice offered, and mourning made for Linus and Psamathe (who was killed by her father).

      In the Theban version, according to Pausanias, Linus was the son of the Muse Urania and the musician Amphimarus, and he was himself a great musician. He invented the Linus song but was put to death by Apollo for claiming to be his equal.

      A later, half-burlesque storytold by the 2nd-century-BC Greek scholar Apollodorus and found on an Attic kylix in the style of Douris (c. 480 BC)—related that Linus was the Greek hero Heracles' music master and was killed by his pupil after he tried to correct him.

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