
librational, adj.
/luy bray"sheuhn/, n. Astron.
a real or apparent oscillatory motion, esp. of the moon.
[1595-1605; < L libration- (s. of libratio) a balancing. See LIBRATE, -ION]

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      in astronomy, an oscillation, apparent or real, of a satellite, such as the Moon, the surface of which may as a consequence be seen from different angles at different times from one point on its primary body.

      The latitudinal libration of the Moon occurs because its axis is tilted slightly, relative to the plane of its orbit around the Earth; this makes the Moon's north and south poles apparently alternate in tipping slightly toward the Earth as the Moon moves through its orbit. The Moon's longitudinal libration (a back and forth turning, aheadshakingmotion) results from its moving at slightly different speeds at different points in its orbit (in accord with Kepler's second law).

      These and other small librations allow about 59 percent of the Moon's surface to be seen from Earth, though it presents nearly the same face to the Earth at all times.

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Universalium. 2010.

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