
lianoid, adj.
/lee ah"neuh, -an"euh/, n.
any of various usually woody vines that may climb as high as the tree canopy in a tropical forest.
Also, liane /lee ahn"/.
[1790-1800; earlier liannes (pl.), appar. misspelling of F lianes, pl. of liane, deriv. of lier to bind; sp. with -a is Latinized or pseudo-Sp]

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or liane

Any of various long-stemmed, woody vines, especially of tropical rain forests, that are rooted in the soil and climb or twine around other plants as they grow upward.

Lianas often form a tangled network, up to 330 ft (100 m) high, around and among the trees that support them.

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also spelled  liane 
 any long-stemmed, woody vine that is rooted in the soil and climbs or twines around other plants. They are a conspicuous component of tropical forest ecosystems and represent one of the most important structural differences between tropical and temperate forests. Flattened or twisted lianas often become tangled together to form a hanging network of vegetation. Lianas belong to several different plant families and may grow up to 60 cm (about 24 inches) in diameter and 100 metres (about 330 feet) in length. These structural parasites exploit the trunks and limbs of tropical trees for support in order to place their own leaves into well-lit portions of the forest canopy. The presence of large lianas provides a very good indicator of older, more mature stands of forest.

      Although humans use different lianas for purposes ranging from a source of fresh drinking water (vines are often hollow and conduct water through the plant) to poisons and drugs (curare comes from a liana), there is a relative lack of information on this very abundant and diverse life form. Knowledge of lianas and their ecology has lagged well behind other plant groups largely because the study of lianas is complicated by erratic growth patterns and taxonomic uncertainties.

      Lianas can represent approximately one-quarter of all woody species in tropical forests. One census of lianas in a Panamanian forest revealed 90 species of lianas from 21 plant families. The density of lianas in this study is not extreme, as many seasonal tropical forests have much higher densities. Lianas have been found to affect the growth of over 50 percent of trees with a diameter of more than 10 cm (4 inches). Although tangles of lianas are known to delay forest regrowth in canopy gaps, a large number of animals depend on lianas for food in the form of leaves, sap, nectar, pollen, and fruit.

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Universalium. 2010.

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