
leviratic /lev'euh rat"ik, lee'veuh-/, leviratical, adj.
/lev"euhr it, -euh rayt', lee"veuhr it, -veuh rayt'/, n.
the custom of marriage by a man with his brother's widow, such marriage required in Biblical law if the deceased was childless. Deut. 25:5-10.
[1715-25; < L levir husband's brother (akin to Gk daér, Skt devar, OE tacor) + -ATE3]

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      custom or law decreeing that a widow should, or in rare cases must, marry her dead husband's brother. The term comes from the Latin levir, meaninghusband's brother.” Thebrothermay be a biological sibling of the deceased or a person who is socially classified as such. Where the brother is required to be younger than the deceased, the custom is called the junior levirate. The levirate often co-occurs with the sororate, a practice in which a widower should or must marry his dead wife's sister.

      Often, the brother who marries his former sister-in-law is a proxy for the deceased, in which case all progeny of the new marriage are socially acknowledged as the children of the dead man. For instance, in ancient Hebrew society, the levirate served to perpetuate the line of a man who died without offspring. Likewise, among the Nuer people of The Sudan, the children of a remarried widow belong to the first husband's line, and they consider the deceased to be their father even if the new husband is their biological genitor.

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  • Levirate — Lev i*rate (l[e^]v [i^]*r[asl]t), Leviratical Lev i*rat ic*al ( r[a^]t [i^]*kal), a. [L. levir a husband s brother, brother in law; akin to Gr. dah r: cf. F. l[ e]virat leviration.] Of, pertaining to, or in accordance with, a law of the ancient… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • levirate — (n.) custom by which the male next of kin of a dead man was bound to marry his widow, 1725, from L. levir brother in law (from PIE *daiwer husband s brother ) + ATE (Cf. ate) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • levirate — [lev′ə rit, lev′ərāt΄; lē′vərit, lē′vərāt΄] n. [L levir, husband s brother, brother in law (< * daiwer < IE * dāiwēr > Sans dēvár, Gr daēr, OE tacor) + ATE2] a custom of the Jews in Biblical times by which a dead man s brother was… …   English World dictionary

  • levirate — 1. adjective Having to do with ones husbands brother. 2. noun a) A marriage between a widow and her deceased husbands brother or, sometimes, heir. And it is, he says, impossible not to believe that the Levirate that is, the practice of marrying a …   Wiktionary

  • levirate — [ li:vɪrət, lɛv ] noun (usu. the levirate) a custom of the ancient Hebrews and some other peoples by which a man may be obliged to marry his brother s widow. Origin C18: from L. levir brother in law + ate1 …   English new terms dictionary

  • Levirate marriage — is a type of marriage in which a woman marries one of her husband s brothers after her husband s death, if there were no children, in order to continue the line of the dead husband. The term is a derivative of the Latin word levir , meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • LEVIRATE MARRIAGE AND ḤALIẒAḤ. — Definition Levirate marriage (Heb. יִבּוּם; yibbum) is the marriage between a widow whose husband died without offspring (the yevamah) and the brother of the deceased (the yavam or levir), as prescribed in Deuteronomy 25:5–6: „ If brethren dwell… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Levirate law — An injunction that if a married man died without children, it was the duty of a brother or other near relative to marry the widow, and the son of the union would be reckoned to be the son of the first husband (Deut. 25:5–10). The law did not… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • levirate and sororate — Customs or laws regulating marriage following the death of a spouse, or in some cases during the lifetime of the spouse. The levirate decrees a dead man s brother to be the widow s preferred marriage partner. In ancient Hebrew society, this… …   Universalium

  • levirate — noun Etymology: Latin levir husband s brother; akin to Old English tācor husband s brother, Greek daēr Date: 1725 the sometimes compulsory marriage of a widow to a brother of her deceased husband • leviratic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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