
/looh"keuhs/, n.

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Modern Greek  Levkás,  also called  Levkádhia,  

      Greek island in the Ionian Sea, forming with the island of Meganísi the nomós (department) of Levkás. The 117-sq-mi (303-sq-km) island is a hilly mass of limestone and bituminous shales culminating in the centre in Mt. Eláti (3,799 ft [1,158 m]). The chief town, Levkás, lies at the northeastern corner, which in antiquity was separated by a marshy isthmus. It was formerly called Amaxíkhi or Santa Maura; the latter is also the Venetian name for the island. Most of the population inhabit the wooded east coast and its valleys.

      Mycenaean remains at Nidhrí on the east coast testify to early occupation and convince some scholars that Leucas, not Ithaca, was the home of Odysseus. In the mid-7th century BC, Corinthian colonists established themselves just south of the present capital and dug a canal through the isthmus. Under Roman rule in the 2nd century BC, a stone bridge, of which there are some remains, was constructed to the main island. In 167 the Romans made Leucas a free city. During the 13th century AD the island was subject to the Despotate of Epirus, and in 1479 it was seized by the Turks. The island was alternately under Turkish and Venetian control until 1718, when it was formally ceded to Venice. After the 18th century it shared the political fortunes of the other Ionian islands under British rule. In 1864 it was restored to Greece.

      The island has suffered for centuries from severe earthquakes; those of 1867 and 1948 severely damaged the capital. Cape Leucatas at the southwestern tip of the island has fragments of the ruined temple of Apollo Leucatas; nearby are the 200-ft white cliffs that give the island its Greek name. In antiquity they served as a trial by ordeal (theLeucadian leap”) for accused persons, survivors being picked up by boat. According to legend, Sappho, desperate with love, ended her life here. Economic activities include considerable olive-oil production but meagre cereal cultivation. The currant, introduced about 1859, has been one of the chief cash crops. Cotton, flax, tobacco, and valonia are produced, and much red wine is exported. In 1903 the isthmus was cut by a ship canal. Pop. (1981) 21,863.

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