
/lee"oh/, n., gen. Leonis /lee oh"nis/ for 1.
1. Astron. the Lion, a zodiacal constellation between Virgo and Cancer, containing the bright star Regulus.
2. Astrol.
a. the fifth sign of the zodiac: the fixed fire sign. See illus. under zodiac.
b. a person born under this sign, usually between July 23rd and August 22nd.
3. a male given name: from a Greek word meaning "lion."

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(Latin: "Lion") In astronomy, the constellation lying between Cancer and Virgo; in astrology, the fifth sign of the zodiac, governing approximately the period July 23August 22.

Its symbol, a lion, has been associated with the Nemean lion slain by Heracles. The Nemean lion was considered invulnerable because its skin was impervious to arrows, but Heracles battered it to death with a club. Zeus put the lion in the sky as a constellation.
(as used in expressions)
Baeck Leo
Baekeland Leo Hendrik
Caprivi Georg Leo count von
Durocher Leo Ernest
Esaki Leo
Hassler Hans Leo
Leo I Saint
Leo the Great
Leo the Isaurian
Leo IX Saint
Leo X
Mankiewicz Joseph Leo
Szilard Leo
Weldon Leo Teagarden
Tolstoy Leo

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 (Latin: Lion), in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying between Cancer and Virgo, at about 10 hours 30 minutes right ascension (the coordinate of the celestial sphere analogous to longitude on the Earth) and 15° north declination (angular distance north of the celestial equator). Regulus (Alpha Leonis), the brightest star, is of the first magnitude. The November meteor shower called the Leonid has its radiant, or point of apparent origin, in Leo.

      In astrology, Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period c. July 23c. August 22. Its representation as a lion is usually linked with the Nemean lion slain by Heracles (Hercules).

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