- Lazarist
/laz"euhr ist/, n. Rom. Cath. Ch.[1740-50; named after the College of St. Lazare, Paris, a former Vincentian center]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
lazarist — lazàrist (lazarȉst) m DEFINICIJA član Kongregacije svećenika misionara (osnovana poč. 17. st.) nazvana prema Sv. Lazaru ETIMOLOGIJA vidi Lazar … Hrvatski jezični portal
Lazarist — Laz a*rist, Lazarite Laz a*rite, n. (R. C. Ch.) One of the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission, a religious institute founded by Vincent de Paul in 1624, and popularly called Lazarists or Lazarites from the College of St. Lazare in Paris,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lazarist — noun Etymology: College of Saint Lazare, Paris, former home of the congregation Date: 1747 Vincentian 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Lazarist — 1. noun A member of the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission founded by St Vincent de Paul and established at St Lazare in Paris. 2. adjective Of or pertaining to this order … Wiktionary
Lazarist — La|za|rịst 〈m. 16〉 Angehöriger einer Priesterkongregation ohne Gelübde, die in der äußeren u. inneren Mission arbeitet; Sy Vinzentiner [nach dem Mutterhaus Saint Lazare in Paris] * * * La|za|rịst, der; en, en [nach dem Mutterhaus Saint Lazare… … Universal-Lexikon
Lazarist — La|za|rịst 〈m.; Gen.: en, Pl.: en〉 Angehöriger einer Priesterkongregation ohne Gelübde, die vornehmlich in der inneren u. äußeren Mission arbeitet; Syn. Vinzentiner [Etym.: nach dem Pariser Mutterhaus Saint Lazare] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Lazarist — La|za|rist der; en, en <nach dem Mutterhaus Saint Lazare in Paris u. zu ↑...ist> Angehöriger einer kath. Kongregation von Missionspriestern; vgl. ↑Vinzentiner … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Lazarist — n. Lazarite, Lazarian, Vincentian, member of the Roman Catholic Congregation of the Mission which was founded in 1625 by St. Vincent de Paul in Paris (France) adj. of or pertaining to St. Vincent de Paul or Vincentians … English contemporary dictionary
lazarist — laz·a·rist … English syllables
lazaríst — a m (ȋ) član reda, ki se ukvarja zlasti z misijonskim delom … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika