
/lay"shee euhm/, n.
a country in ancient Italy, SE of Rome.

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Ancient area, west-central Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The Latins (or Latini) came from Indo-European tribes that settled in the Italian peninsula during the 2nd millennium BC. By 500 BC the cities of Latium had formed the Latin League. War erupted between Rome and the Latins in 340 BC and ended in 338 BC with the defeat of the Latins and the dissolution of the league.

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ancient region, Italy
ancient area in west-central Italy, originally  limited to the territory around the Alban Hills, but extending by about 500 Bc 

      south of the Tiber River as far as the promontory of Mount Circeo. It was bounded on the northwest by Etruria, on the southeast by Campania, on the east by Samnium, and on the northeast by the territory of the Sabini, Aequi, and Marsi. The modern region of Lazio extends farther to include the entire coastal plain between the Fiora River in the north and Garigliano River in the south and is bounded by the Apennines on the east. The history of Latium is inseparable from the destiny of ancient Rome.

      The Latins (Latin) (or Latini) were sprung from those Indo-European tribes that, during the 2nd millennium BC, came to settle in the Italian peninsula. By the first centuries of the 1st millennium BC, the Latins had developed as a separate people, originally established on the mass of the Alban Hills, which was isolated and easy to defend. The Latin tribes that settled there were influenced both by the civilization of the Iron Age of southern Italy and by the Villanovan (Villanovan culture) civilization of southern Etruria. The Latins cremated their dead and deposited their ashes in urns of Villanovan type as well as in hut-shaped urns that were faithful imitations of the huts of the living. The decoration of these funerary containers is of a simple geometric type, similar to that engraved on bronze objects found in these tombs, such as razors, spindles, weapons, and brooches. The material used for the tombs in the Alban Hills resembles the material found in contemporary tombs in Rome but is occasionally rougher and coarser in appearance.

      In approximately 600 BC, when the Etruscans (Etruscan) occupied Latium and settled in Rome, the influence of Etruscan civilization and art made itself felt as much in the other Latin towns as in Rome itself. But Rome soon became a large city, similar to the powerful cities of southern Etruria, and it took precedence over its neighbours. According to the annalistic tradition, it was a specifically Roman uprising that drove the Etruscans from Rome in 509. In fact it was a coalition of Latins and Greeks that led to the Etruscans' withdrawal from Latium in 475 BC.

      After the departure of the Etruscans the fortunes of Latium changed; it became impoverished. Rome lost its preeminence over the neighbouring cities and took a long time to recover it. Throughout the 5th century BC the Latin League imposed its policy on Rome. Every year the delegates of the Latin cities elected a dictator who commanded a federal army, which included Roman troops. In this league Tusculum seemed to exercise the leadership that Rome had held in the Etruscan period. The territory of Rome did not extend beyond the sixth mile from the city.

      The Latin people were threatened by the proximity of turbulent peoples: the Volsci, who dwelt in Antium, and the Aequi, who ruled Praeneste and Tibur. The legendary story of Coriolanus shows how, in the early 5th century BC, Rome began to extend its territory toward the south by fighting on the side of Ardea and Aricia against the Volsci. At the end of the 5th century Roman colonies were established in the Monti Lepini. In the 4th century BC Rome began to take precedence among the sister cities of Latium, weakened by their dissensions. In 358 BC, however, Rome and the Latin confederacy concluded a treaty of alliance on a basis of equality. They nominated in turn the dictator of the league. But the strength of Rome grew, and it established two tribes in Volscian territory. In 340 war broke out between Rome and the Latins. It ended in 338 in the defeat of the Latins and the dissolution of their league. The Latin cities were given political statutes that limited or abolished their autonomy. Thereafter Roman hegemony in Latium was an accomplished fact, and the life of the Latin country was soon modeled on that of the city.

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Universalium. 2010.

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