La Tène

La Tène
Fr. /lann ten"/
1. Archaeol. designating the period or culture of the late Iron Age typified by the structural remains, swords, tools, utensils, etc., found at La Tène. Cf. Hallstattan.
2. a shallow area at the E end of the Lake of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where these remains were found.

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(French; "The Shallows")

Archaeological site at the eastern end of Lake Neuchâtel, Switz.

The name by extension applies to a late Iron Age culture of European Celts. La Tène culture originated in the mid-5th century BC, when the Celts came into contact with Greeks and Etruscans. It passed through several phases and regional variations during the next 400 years, as the Celts populated northern Europe and the British Isles, and ended in the mid-1st century BC, when most of the Celts came under Roman control. Objects of the early period are characterized by ornamental S-shapes, spirals, and round patterns. The middle period is notable for long iron swords, heavy knives, and burial in coffins or under stone heaps; findings with a later date, but still of the middle period, include decorated scabbards, broad-bladed spearheads, and wooden shields with iron supports. The final period, showing Roman influence, is distinguished by peasant's implements, such as iron sickles, scythes, axes, saws, and plowshares.

Gold disk found at Auvers, La Tène culture, 5th century BC.

By courtesy of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris

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archaeological site, Switzerland
      (French: The Shallows), archaeological site at the eastern end of Lake Neuchâtel, Switz., the name of which has been extended to distinguish the Late Iron Age culture of European Celts. La Tène culture originated in the mid-5th century BC, when the Celts came into contact with Greek and Etruscan influences from south of the Alps. This culture passed through several phases and regional variations during the next four centuries as the Celts expanded throughout most of northern Europe and the British Isles, but it came to an end in the mid-1st century BC, when most of the Celts lost their independence to Rome.

      During the first period, La Tène A (450400/390 BC), Celtic tradition first encountered Greco-Etruscan imports and ideas. Though a short period, it seems to have been long enough to create the typical La Tène style, characterized by S-shapes, spirals, and round patterns symmetrically applied to every ornament.

      In the La Tène B period (400/390c. 300 BC), the unity of La Tène A was dissolved by the Celtic migrations. Throughout the region, however, certain features remained popular, such as long iron swords, lanceheads, heavy knives, and burial by flat inhumations in coffins or by covering the body with stone heaps.

      In La Tène C (c. 300c. 100 BC), the different branches of phase B continued, but there was a cultural intermixing between the aboriginals and the Celtic newcomers. Among the chief metal types were iron swords with decorated scabbards and heart shapes, warriors' iron chains as sword belts, broad-bladed heavy spearheads, wooden shields with iron bosses and supporters, and iron scissors and torques.

      During the La Tène D period (c. 10050/15 BC), Celtic power was ended by the perpetual pressure of German invaders from the north and by the Roman Empire from the south. Settlements of this period have revealed typical peasant's implements: iron sickles, scythes, axes, saws, ploughshares, and hammers, the majority resulting from contact with Roman civilization. Silver coinage, based on Greek and Roman prototypes, is more abundant than in La Tène C, when it began, and has been a valuable source for the knowledge of Celtic personal names.

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