
lateness, n.
/layt/, adj., later or latter, latest or last, adv. later, latest.
1. occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time: late frosts; a late spring.
2. continued until after the usual time or hour; protracted: a late business meeting.
3. near or at the end of day or well into the night: a late hour.
4. belonging to the time just before the present moment; most recent: a late news bulletin.
5. immediately preceding the present one; former: the late attorney general.
6. recently deceased: the late Mr. Phipps.
7. occurring at an advanced stage in life: a late marriage.
8. belonging to an advanced period or stage in the history or development of something: the late phase of feudalism.
9. of late, lately; recently: The days have been getting warmer of late.
10. after the usual or proper time, or after delay: to arrive late.
11. until after the usual time or hour; until an advanced hour, esp. of the night: to work late.
12. at or to an advanced time, period, or stage: The flowers keep their blossoms late in warm climates.
13. recently but no longer: a man late of Chicago, now living in Philadelphia.
[bef. 900; ME; OE laet slow, late; c. G lass slothful, ON latr, Goth lats slow, lazy, L lassus tired]
Syn. 1. tardy; slow, dilatory; delayed, belated. 4. See modern.

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