La Spezia

La Spezia
/lah spe"tsyah/
a seaport in NW Italy, on the Ligurian Sea: naval base. 120,717.

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      city, Liguria region, northern Italy. The city, a major naval base, is located at the head of the Golfo della Spezia, southeast of Genoa. The site was inhabited in Roman times, but little is known of its history before 1276, when it was sold to Genoa by the Fieschi family. It became a maritime prefecture in the French Empire and then part of the Duchy of Genoa in the Kingdom of Sardinia. After the transfer of the military fleet from Genoa in 1857, it became a naval headquarters, and in 1923 it became the provincial capital. It was severely damaged by bombing in World War II. Notable landmarks include the medieval Castel S. Giorgio, the 15th-century cathedral (rebuilt since 1945), and the naval arsenal (186169, rebuilt since 1945), with the adjacent naval museum. The archaeological museum has a collection of menhirs (prehistoric monoliths) cut in the form of human figures and of Roman artifacts from the nearby ancient city of Luni.

      La Spezia's industries include shipbuilding, iron foundries, oil refineries, and mechanical engineering. Coal and oil are imported, and it is also a terminus for natural gas shipments from Libya. There is some tourism. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 112,943.

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Universalium. 2010.

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