Lao She

Lao She
/low" shu"/, Pinyin, Wade-Giles. (Shu Qingchun, Shu Ch'ing-ch'un)
1899-1966, Chinese novelist.

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orig. Shu Qingchun or Shu Sheyu

born Feb. 3, 1899, Beijing, China
died Aug. 24?, 1966, Beijing

Chinese writer.

He worked as an educator before going to England in 1924, and he was inspired to write his first novel while reading the works of Charles Dickens to improve his English. He originally championed strong, hard-working individuals but later expressed the futility of the individual's struggle against society, as in Luotuo Xiangzi (1936), the tragic story of a ricksha puller; Rickshaw Boy, an unauthorized translation with a happy ending (1945), became a U.S. best-seller. After the onset of the Sino-Japanese War, he wrote lesser patriotic and propagandistic plays and novels. In 1966 he fell victim to the Cultural Revolution.

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Chinese author
pseudonym of  Shu Sheyu , original name  Shu Qingchun 
born February 3, 1899, Beijing, China
died August 24, 1966, Beijing

      Chinese author of humorous, satiric novels and short stories and, after the onset of the Sino-Japanese War (193745), of patriotic and propagandistic plays and novels.

      A member of the Manchu ethnic minority, Shu Sheyu served as principal of an elementary school at age 17 and soon worked his way up to district supervisor. In 1924 he went to England, teaching Mandarin Chinese to support himself and collaborating for five years on a translation of the great Ming-dynasty novel Jinpingmei. Reading the novels of Charles Dickens to improve his English, Shu Sheyu was inspired to write his own first novel, Lao Zhang di zhexue (“Philosophy of Lao Zhang”), which was serialized in the journal Xiaoshuo yuebao (“Short-Story Magazine”) in 1926. He completed two more novels, in which he developed the theme that the strong, hardworking individual could reverse the tide of stagnation and corruption plaguing China. When Lao She returned to China in 1931, he found that he had achieved some fame as a comic novelist, and so he continued to create his humorous, action-packed works.

      In Niu Tianci zhuan (1934; “The Life of Niu Tianci”), Lao She changed his individualist theme to one stressing the importance of the total social environment and the futility of the individual's struggle against such an environment. His new theme found its clearest expression in his masterpiece, Luotuo Xiangzi (1936; “Xiangzi the Camel”; Eng. trans. Rickshaw or Camel Xiangzi), the tragic story of the trials of a rickshaw puller in Beijing. An unauthorized and bowdlerized English translation, titled Rickshaw Boy (1945), with a happy ending quite foreign to the original story, became a best seller in the United States.

      During the Sino-Japanese War, Lao She headed the All-China Anti-Japanese Writers Federation, encouraging writers to produce patriotic and propagandistic literature. His own works were inferior and propagandistic. His best work of this period was his novel Sishi tong tang (194450; “Four Generations Under One Roof”).

      In 194647 Lao She traveled to the United States on a cultural grant, lecturing and overseeing the translation of several of his novels, including The Yellow Storm (1951), which was never published in Chinese, and his last novel, The Drum Singers (1952; its Chinese version, Gu shu yi ren, was not published until 1980). Upon his return to China he was active in various cultural movements and literary committees and continued to write his propagandistic plays, among them the popular Longxugou (1951; Dragon Beard Ditch) and Chaguan (1957; Teahouse), which displayed his fine linguistic talents in its reproduction of the Beijing dialect.

      Lao She fell victim to persecution at the outset of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, and it is widely believed that he died as a result of a beating by Red Guards.

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