
/lay ok"oh on'/, n.
1. Class. Myth. a priest of Apollo at Troy who warned the Trojans of the Trojan Horse, and who, with his two sons, was killed by two huge serpents sent by Athena or Apollo.
2. (italics) a late 2nd-century B.C. representation in marble of Laocoön and his sons struggling with the serpents: attributed to Agesander, Athenodorus, and Polydorus of Rhodes.
Also, Laocoon, Laokoön, Laokoon.

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In Greek legend, a seer and priest of Apollo.

He was the son of Agenor of Troy or the brother of Aeneas's father Anchises. Laocoön offended Apollo by breaking his priestly vow of celibacy and begetting children, and by warning the Trojans not to accept the wooden horse presented by the Greeks. While preparing to offer a sacrifice to Poseidon, he and his two sons were crushed to death by sea serpents sent by Apollo.

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 in Greek legend, a seer and a priest of the god Apollo; he was the son of Agenor of Troy (Trojan War) or, according to some, the brother of Anchises (the father of the hero Aeneas). Laocoön offended Apollo by breaking his oath of celibacy and begetting children or by having sexual intercourse with his wife in Apollo's sanctuary. Thus, while preparing to sacrifice a bull on the altar of the god Poseidon (a task that had fallen to him by lot), Laocoön and his twin sons, Antiphas and Thymbraeus (also called Melanthus), were crushed to death by two great sea serpents, Porces and Chariboea (or Curissia or Periboea), sent by Apollo. A much better-known reason for his punishment was that he had warned the Trojans against accepting the wooden horse left by the Greeks. This legend found its most famous expressions in Virgil's Aeneid (ii, 109 et seq.) and in the Laocoön statue (now in the Vatican Museum) attributed by Pliny the Elder to three Rhodian sculptors, Agesander, Polydorus, and Athenodorus. The statue was for a time in the palace of the Emperor Titus (AD 7981). After its rediscovery during the Renaissance, it regained its exalted reputation, inspiring Gotthold Lessing's famous essay on art, Laocoon (1766).

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