
/lan"frangk/, n.
1005?-89, Italian Roman Catholic prelate and scholar in England: archbishop of Canterbury 1070-89.

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born с 1010, Pavia, Lombardy
died May 28, 1089, Canterbury, Kent, Eng.

Archbishop of Canterbury (107089).

An Italian scholar who settled in Normandy, he joined the Benedictine monastery of Bec and was made its prior. He became a trusted adviser of William I (the Conqueror), who made Lanfranc the first abbot of St. Stephen's at Caen and nominated him as archbishop of Canterbury after the Norman Conquest of England. Lanfranc reformed and reorganized the English church, asserted the primacy of Canterbury over York, and introduced the moral components of Gregorian reform. He uncovered a conspiracy against the king (1075), and he secured the succession for William II against Robert II (1087). Lanfranc was also a renowned scholar and theologian who was noted for his criticism of Berengar of Tours's teaching on the Eucharist.

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born c. 1005, Pavia, Lombardy
died May 28, 1089, Canterbury, Kent, Eng.

      Italian Benedictine who, as archbishop of Canterbury (107089) and trusted counsellor of William the Conqueror, was largely responsible for the excellent churchstate relations of William's reign after the Norman Conquest of England.

      Originally a lawyer, Lanfranc won a reputation as a teacher at a school he established at Avranches, Normandy (103942). He then entered the Benedictine monastery at Bec, where, after three years of seclusion, he became prior and resumed teaching. He was at first an opponent of the marriage of William of Normandy to Matilda of Flanders (1053), but he and William were later reconciled and thereafter maintained a relationship of mutual respect. William made Lanfranc first abbot of St. Stephen's at Caen (c. 1063) and after the Conquest nominated him to the see of Canterbury as soon as the incumbent, Stigand, was deposed.

      Lanfranc embarked upon a successful reform and reorganization of the English Church. Although a firm supporter of papal sovereignty, he assisted William in maintaining the fullest possible independence for the English Church. At the same time he protected the church from royal and other secular influence. His concern for the separate responsibilities and prerogatives of state and church shaped a memorable ordinance that divided the ecclesiastical from the secular courts (c. 1076). His policy, in accord with that of the King, was to replace native English bishops with Normans, but he remained on friendly terms with Wulfstan of Worcester, the last of the Anglo-Saxon prelates. Perhaps his greatest service to the King was his detection in 1075 of the conspiracy formed against him by the earls of Norfolk and Hereford. On the death of the Conqueror in 1087, Lanfranc secured the succession for William II Rufus, inducing the English militia to support him against the partisans of his elder brother, Robert II Curthose, Duke of Normandy.

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