
/land"sat'/, n.
a U.S. scientific satellite that studies and photographs the earth's surface by using remote-sensing techniques.
[1975-80; LAND (or land(sensing)) + SAT(ELLITE)]

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officially Earth Resources Technology Satellites

Any of a series of unmanned U.S. scientific satellites.

The first three were launched in 1972, 1975, and 1978. They were designed mainly to collect information about Earth's natural resources. They were also equipped to monitor atmospheric and oceanic conditions and to detect variations in pollution levels and other ecological changes. Three more Landsat satellites were launched successfully, in 1982, 1984, and 1999; radio communication with Landsat 6 was lost immediately after its launch in 1993.

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 any of a series of unmanned U.S. scientific satellites. The first three Landsat satellites were launched in 1972, 1975, and 1978. These satellites were primarily designed to collect information about the Earth's natural resources, including the location of mineral deposits and the condition of forests and farming regions. They were also equipped to monitor atmospheric and oceanic conditions and to detect variations in pollution level and other ecological changes. All three satellites carried various types of cameras, including those with infrared sensors. Landsat cameras provided images of surface areas 115 miles (184 km) square; each such area could be photographed at 18-day intervals. These pictures were the basis of a far more comprehensive survey than could be made from airplanes. A fourth Landsat satellite was launched in 1982 and a fifth in 1984. In 1985 Landsat was transferred to a private commercial operator, the Earth Observation Satellite Company (EOSAT). In 1992 the U.S. government again assumed control of the program. The newer models contained two sensors, a multispectral scanner and a thematic mapper (which provides 100-foot [30-metre] spatial resolution in seven spectral bands). Landsat 6 failed to achieve orbit after its launch in 1993. Landsat 7 was launched successfully in 1999.

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