
/lah nah"ee, leuh nuy"/, n.
an island in central Hawaii: pineapple plantations. 2204; 141 sq. mi. (365 sq. km).

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Hawaiian  Lānai 

      island, Maui county, Hawaii, U.S. Situated across the Auau Channel from Maui island, it is formed by the extinct volcano Lanaihale (Palawai; 3,366 feet [1,026 metres]). The sixth largest of the Hawaiian Islands, Lanai has an area of 140 square miles (363 square km). Lanai is separated from the island of Kahoolawe (southeast) by the Kealaikahiki Channel and from Molokai (north) by the Kalohi Channel.

      Lanai long contained small fishing villages. In 1854 a group of Mormon elders formed a colony, but it was unsuccessful. Lanai was used primarily for cattle grazing until 1922, when it was purchased by the Dole Corporation for use as a pineapple plantation. It was once the largest pineapple plantation in the United States. In 1961 Castle & Cook, Inc., after merging with Dole, took over the management of the island. It is the largest privately owned island in the Hawaiian chain. The principal settlements are Lanai City (built in 1922 by Dole to house its employees) and the port of Kaumalapau on the west coast. The remains of houses and a heiau (a ceremonial and religious structure) can be viewed at the ruined 15th-century village of Kaunolu, a national historical landmark, where King Kamehameha I established a royal retreat. In Palawai Basin are the Luahiwa petroglyphs, which were created in the 18th century. Lanai (Hawaiian:Conquest Day”) is the only one of the inhabited Hawaiian Islands whose name has a known etymology.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Lanai — Image satellite de Lanai. Géographie Pays …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lanai — n. 1. (upper case) an island in the Hawaiian chain. [WordNet 1.5] 2. (lower case) a veranda or roofed patio often furnished and used as a living room. [Hawaii] [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lanai — ☆ lanai [lə nä′ē, lə nī′; länī′ ] n. [Haw lānai] a veranda or open sided living room of a kind found in Hawaii …   English World dictionary

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  • Lanai — Imagen satelital de la isla Lanai. Lanai (oficialmente en hawaiano Lāna‘i) es una de las islas Hawai. Administrativamente depende del condado de Maui. Su nombre en hawaiano significa porche o balcón . La isla es casi circular, con una forma que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • lanai — /lah nah ee, leuh nuy /, n., pl. lanais. Hawaiian. a veranda, esp. a fully furnished one used as a living room. [1865 70; < Hawaiian lanai roofed structure with open sides, porch] * * * ▪ island, Hawaii, United States Hawaiian  Lāna‘i … …   Universalium

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  • lanai — noun Etymology: Hawaiian lānai Date: 1823 porch, veranda …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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