
/lah gwaht"/, n.
a city in N Algeria. 26,553.

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Town (pop., 1998 prelim.: 96,342) and oasis, north-central Algeria.

At the southern edge of the Atlas Mountains, it was built on two hills that are extensions of Mount Tizigarine. It was settled in the 11th century and came under Moroccan and Ottoman control. Seized by the French in 1852, it reverted to Algeria in 1962.

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      town and oasis, north-central Algeria. It is located at the southern edge of the Saharan Atlas Mountains, on the route linking Algiers with central Africa. The oasis (625 acres [253 hectares]) was probably settled in the 11th century after the Banū Hilāl invaders, supported by the Fāṭimids of Egypt, crossed the area. Laghouat subsequently passed through Moroccan and Turkish hands and was divided by two warring groups representing the Ouled Serrine and Hallaf peoples. The oasis, taken and united by the French in 1852, reverted to Algeria in 1962. It is one of four major population centres in the region; the others are the seminomads' market town of Aflou and the Mʾzab and el-Golea oases groups.

      Laghouat lies on the Wadi Mzi (Wadi Djedi in its lower course), built on two hills that are northward extensions of Mount Tizigarine. The modern quarter, on the southern hill, contains the administrative and military installations. The old section, on the northern hill, retains its Saharan-style architecture and is the location of the cathedral of the bishop of the Sahara. Three dams on the Wadi Mzi irrigate date palms, fruit trees, vegetables, and cereals. Laghouat is known for its woven wall hangings and knotted woolen carpets. Pop. (1998 prelim.) 96,342.

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Universalium. 2010.

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