
labradoritic /lab'reuh daw rit"ik/, adj.
/lab"reuh daw ruyt', lab'reuh dawr"uyt/, n.
a feldspar mineral of the plagioclase group, often characterized by a brilliant change of colors, with blue and green most common.
[1805-15; named after LABRADOR, where first discovered; see -ITE1]

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Type of feldspar mineral in the plagioclase series that is often valued as a gemstone and as ornamental material for its red, blue, or green iridescence.

The mineral is usually gray or brown to black and need not be iridescent. Labradorite is named for its occurrence on the coast of Labrador, Canada.

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      a feldspar mineral in the plagioclase (q.v.) series that is often valued as a gemstone and as ornamental material for its red, blue, or green iridescence. The mineral is usually gray or brown to black and need not be iridescent; when used as a gem it is usually cut en cabochon (with a rounded convex surface). Labradorite is one of the more common plagioclase varieties and occurs in many gabbros, dolerites, norites, and basalts. anorthosite, a rock composed mainly of iridescent labradorite crystals up to about 2 m (6 to 7 feet) long, occurs in many of the world's mountain regions. Labradorite is named for its occurrence near Nain, on the coast of Labrador, Can.

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Universalium. 2010.

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