
/lah"be/, n.
Czech name of the Elbe.

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      town, west-central Guinea. Located on the Fouta Djallon plateau (at 3,445 feet [1,050 m]) near the source of the Gambia River, it lies at the intersection of roads from Mamou to the Senegal border and from the Guinean towns of Mali, Tougué, and Télimélé. Founded in the 1720s by the Dialonke people and named for their chief, Manga Labé, the town became an important political and commercial centre of the 18th- and 19th-century Fulani state of Fouta Djallon.

      It is now the chief trading centre (cattle, rice, millet, citrus fruits) for a densely populated region mainly inhabited by the Muslim Fulani people. Labé is a major collecting point for oranges, which are trucked to Dakar, Senegal, and to the fruit-juice canning plant at Mamou; it also processes orange, lemon, and jasmine oil, used in making soap and perfumes, for export. The town has a hospital, several secondary schools, a central mosque, and a Roman Catholic mission. Pop. (2001 est.) 64,500.

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Universalium. 2010.

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