
/kooh"neuh/, n., pl. kuna.
the basic monetary unit of Croatia.

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also spelled  Cuna 

      Chibchan-speaking Indian people who once occupied the central region of what is now Panama and the neighbouring San Blas Islands and who still survive in marginal areas.

      In the 16th century the Kuna were an important group, living in federated villages under chiefs, who had considerable power, and engaging in warfare with each other and with neighbouring tribes. Agriculture was primarily based on slash-and-burn techniques, and there was extensive trade, mainly by canoe along the coast. They had a well-developed class system, with captives generally being enslaved. Important chiefs were carried in hammocks; their bodies were preserved after death and buried in large graves with their wives and retainers. Metallurgy was well developed, and numerous gold ornaments have been found in the graves, along with fine ceramics and ornaments of shell.

      The principal effects of European contact were to destroy the political superstructure of the Kuna and to modify the social and religious systems. In modern times they live in small villages and depend primarily on agriculture for subsistence, supplemented by fishing and hunting. Marriage is matrilocal, giving rise to extended families of several generations in which the son-in-law is under the authority of his wife's father. Religion centres on shamans who cure the sick and practice various types of witchcraft. The sun and moon were formerly major deities, but the mythology has been much affected by European conceptions. The so-called white Indians of San Blas are actually albinos who constitute about 0.7 percent of the Kuna population and are not permitted to intermarry.

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Universalium. 2010.

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