
/krddems/, n.
a city in NE Austria, on the Danube. 23,123.

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also called  Krems an der Donau,  

      city, northeastern Austria, at the confluence of the Danube (Donau) and Krems rivers, northwest of Vienna. Mentioned in 995 as an imperial fortress, it was chartered in the 12th century, when it had a mint. Of its medieval fortifications, the Steiner Gate, the Pulverturm (Powder Tower), and the Gozzoburg remain. The adjacent towns of Stein an der Donau and Mautern (on the site of a Roman camp) were absorbed by Krems in 1938. Landmarks include the old Stadtburg (fortress; originally 13th century); the St. Veit parish church (restored 161630), one of Austria's oldest Baroque churches; and two Gothic churches in Stein. Krems has metal and chemical industries, but it functions mainly as a regional market and service centre. An old wine-producing town, Krems also is the home of several well-known wineries. Austrian and foreign wine connoisseurs congregate in the city, particularly in the fall at harvest time. Pop. (2006) 23,965.

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Universalium. 2010.

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