
/kray"feld/; Ger. /krdday"felt'/, n.
a city in W North Rhine-Westphalia, in W Germany, NW of Cologne. 227,100.
Also, Crefeld.

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also spelled  Crefeld  

      city and port, North RhineWestphalia Land (state), western Germany. The medieval city centre of Krefeld is situated 6 miles (10 km) west of the Rhine River. The city stretches in an east-west direction, with Uerdingen, a second city centre, lying along the Rhine itself and containing a harbour. Chartered in 1373, Krefeld belonged to the counts of Moers (Mörs) until it passed to the house of Orange in 1600; it passed to Prussia in 1702. In 1758 Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, defeated the French near Krefeld in a major battle of the Seven Years' War. The city was long known for the manufacture of silks and velvets, which was begun in the 17th and 18th centuries by Mennonite refugees. Krefeld absorbed several neighbouring towns between 1901 and 1929, including Uerdingen and its harbour. It was occupied by the Allies after World War I, from 1918 to 1926, and was severely bombed in World War II.

      Krefeld is a rail hub. Steel, machinery, clothing (especially neckties), and chemicals are also manufactured. The city's cultural institutions include the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum, the Museum Burg Linn (a restored castle), a textile museum, and the Museum Haus Lange (modern art). Pop. (1998 est.) 245,606.

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Universalium. 2010.

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