
/koch/ for 1; /kawkh/ for 2, n.
1. Edward I., born 1924, U.S. politician: mayor of New York City since 1977.
2. Robert /rddoh"berddt/, 1843-1910, German bacteriologist and physician: Nobel prize 1905.

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also called  Rajbanshi 

      ethnic group of the Bodo people, dispersed over parts of Assam and Bengal. While their original language is a Tibeto-Burman dialect, large sections of the group in the 20th century spoke Bengali or other Indo-Aryan languages. In the 16th century a Koch chief established the state of Cooch Behar, and they now call themselves Rajbanshi (Of Royal Blood), resent being called by the old tribal name, and follow Hindu customs. But their claim to the high status of the Kshatriya class of Hindus is not generally admitted, and many of the endogamous subdivisions rank very low in the Hindu caste hierarchy. The caste is mainly agricultural, but there are also Rajbanshi carpenters, blacksmiths, and traders. Some sections of the group are less Hinduized than others, and there are considerable variations in customs and status.

      In the 15th century the Koch's chief future homeland had been held by Khen kings; but early in the 16th century Cooch Behar became the centre of the kingdom of the Koch king Biswa Singh, invading from northeastern Bengal. The greatest monarch of the dynasty was Nar Narayan, the son of Biswa Singh, who extended his power over a large part of Assam and southward over what became the British district of Rangpur. His son became tributary to the Mughal Empire (Mughal Dynasty). In 1772 the country was invaded by the Bhutanese, and an appeal for assistance was made to the British governor Warren Hastings. A detachment of Sepoys drove out all the Bhutanese, who were forced to sue for peace through the mediation of the Tashi Lama of Tibet. By the resulting treaty the Raja acknowledged subjection to the East India Company and made over to it one-half of his annual revenues.

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