
/kith"euhr euh/, n.
a musical instrument of ancient Greece consisting of an elaborate wooden soundbox having two arms connected by a yoke to which the upper ends of the strings are attached.
Also, cithara.
[1350-1400; ME < Gk kithára lyre; cf. GUITAR, ZITHER]

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Large lyre of Classical antiquity, the principal stringed instrument of the Greeks and later of the Romans.

It had a box-shaped resonating body from which extended two parallel arms connected by a crossbar to which 312 strings were attached. It was held vertically and plucked with a plectrum; the left hand was used to stop and damp the strings. It was played by singers of the Greek epics, as well as by later professional accompanists and soloists.

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      stringed musical instrument, one of the two principal types of ancient Greek lyres. It had a wooden soundboard and a box-shaped body, or resonator, from which extended two hollow arms connected by a crossbar. Three, originally, but later as many as 12 strings ran from the crossbar to the lower end of the instrument, passing over a bridge on the soundboard. The strings were usually played with a plectrum, the left-hand fingers damping unwanted strings and at times apparently stopping the strings or producing harmonics. In solos, the fingers of both hands sometimes plucked the strings. The kithara was held upright or inclined toward the player, its weight often supported by an over-the-shoulder or wrist-to-yoke armband.

      In early Greek times the rhapsōdoi, or epic singers, accompanied themselves on the kithara, and the phorminx of Homer was probably a form of that instrument. Later the kithara was the lyre of the kitharōdoi, or professional player-singers. Latinized, it became the principal stringed instrument of the Romans. In Latin writings of early Christian Europe, “citharaoften referred to the harp as well as to surviving forms of the lyre. Many instrument names derive from the word kitharaamong them guitar, cittern, and zither. See also lyre.

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