
/kich"euh neuhr/, n.
1. Horatio Herbert (1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome), 1850-1916, English field marshal and statesman.
2. a city in S Ontario, in SE Canada. 131,870.

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City (pop., 2001: 190,399), southeastern Ontario, Canada.

It is situated in the Grand River valley, southwest of Toronto. Founded by Bishop Benjamin Eby and settled by German immigrants с 1807, it was incorporated as a city in 1912. It was known successively a Sand Hill, Ebytown, and Berlin before being renamed in honour of H.H. Kitchener in 1916. The boyhood home of W.L. Mackenzie King is now preserved in Woodside National Historic Park.

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      city, regional municipality of Waterloo, southeastern Ontario, Canada. It is situated in the Grand River valley, 60 miles (95 km) west-southwest of Toronto. Founded by Bishop Benjamin Eby and settled by German immigrants about 1807, the community was known successively as Sand Hill, Ebytown, and Berlin before being renamed after the British field marshal Lord Kitchener in 1916. It is an important industrial, financial, and distribution centre in one of Canada's most densely populated areas. Economic activities include meat-packing, brewing and distilling, tanning, furniture making, and the manufacture of textiles, shoes, rubber products, and appliances. The closely knit cultural unit of Kitchener-Waterloo supports a symphony orchestra, philharmonic choir, little theatre, and art society. The boyhood home of Mackenzie King, former Canadian prime minister, is preserved in Woodside National Historic Park. Inc. village, 1854; town, 1870; city, 1912. Pop. (2006) city, 204,668; metropolitan area, 451,235.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Kitchener — may refer to:* Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener (1850–1916), British Field Marshal and 1st Earl Kitchener * Henry Kitchener, 2nd Earl Kitchener (1846–1937), British soldier, brother of the 1st Earl Kitchener * Sir Frederick Walter Kitchener… …   Wikipedia

  • Kitchener —  Cet article concerne la ville canadienne. Pour les autres significations, voir Kitchener (homonymie). 43° 26′ 59″ N 80° 29′&# …   Wikipédia en Français

  • KITCHENER (H. H.) — KITCHENER HORATIO HERBERT (1850 1916) Officier de carrière à partir de 1871, Kitchener parcourt très tôt plusieurs pays du Proche Orient, reçoit de premières affectations à Chypre (1878) et en Égypte, d’où il assiste de loin, impuissant, à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kitchener — v. du Canada (Ontario), sur la riv. Grand; 168 280 hab. (aggl. urb. 309 300 hab.). Centre industriel. Kitchener (lord Horatio Herbert) comte de Khartoum (1850 1916), maréchal britannique. Réorganisateur de l armée égyptienne, il occupa le Soudan… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kitchener — Kitchener1 [kich′ə nər] (Horatio) Herbert 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum 1850 1916; Brit. military officer & statesman, born in Ireland Kitchener2 [kich′ə nər] [after KITCHENER1 (Horatio) Herbert] city in SE Ontario, Canada: pop. 178,000 …   English World dictionary

  • Kitchener — Kitch en*er, n. A kitchen servant; a cook. Carlyle. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kitchener [1] — Kitchener (engl., spr. kittschener, »Koch«), Kochapparat, Sparkochofen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kitchener [2] — Kitchener (spr. kittschener), Horatio Herbert, Viscount, engl. General, geb. 24. Juni 1850, erzogen in der Militärakademie zu Woolwich, kämpfte 1870 als Freiwilliger im französischen Heer gegen die Deutschen, trat 1871 als Leutnant in das… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kitchener — of Khartoum (spr. kittschĕnĕr), Herbert, Viscount, engl. General, geb. 24. Juni 1850 in Crotta House (Irland), 1871 Offizier, seit 1882 in der ägypt. Armee, 1886 88 Gouverneur des Gebietes am Roten Meer, 1892 Oberbefehlshaber (Sirdar) der ägypt.… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kitchener — (izg. kȉčener), Horatio Herbert (1850 1916) DEFINICIJA britanski maršal, pokoritelj Sudana i glavni zapovjednik britanske vojske za vrijeme Burskog rata u J Africi 1899 1902; ministar obrane u britanskoj vladi na početku 1. svjetskog rata kada je …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Kitchener — Para otros usos de este término, véase Kitchener (desambiguación). City of Kitchener Kitchener …   Wikipedia Español

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