
/ki zahng"gah nee, kee'sahng gah"-/, n.
a city in the N Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the Congo (Zaire) River. 297,829. Formerly, Stanleyville.

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formerly (until 1966) Stanleyville

City (pop., 1994 est.: 417,517), northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The nation's major inland port after Kinshasa, it is located on the Congo River, below Boyoma Falls. The city was founded in 1883 by Europeans and was known first as Falls Station and then as Stanleyville (for Henry Morton Stanley). It has been the major centre of the northern Congo since the late 1800s. It is the seat of the University of Kisangani (1963) and other institutions of higher education.

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formerly (until 1966Stanleyville  
 city, northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo). The city lies along the Congo River, just below Boyoma (formerly Stanley) Falls. It is the nation's major inland port after Kinshasa. Above Kisangani, the Boyoma Falls, consisting of seven cataracts, impede river navigation for about 56 miles (90 km); a short railroad carries river freight between Kisangani and the port of Ubundu, above the falls.

      The city was established in 1883 by Europeans and was known first as Falls Station and then as Stanleyville (for Sir Henry Morton Stanley). It has been the major centre of the northern Congo since the late 1800s. Kisangani's industries include brewing, furniture and clothing making, and printing. The surrounding region is agricultural, yielding palm, rice, cotton products, coffee, cocoa, rubber, timber, and quinine. A hydroelectric dam is at the falls of the nearby Tshopo River, a Congo tributary. The former Free University of the Congo (1963) became the University of Kisangani in 1981. The city also has a teacher-training school and an agricultural school and research institute. An international airfield was opened in 1974. Pop. (2004 est.) 682,599.

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Universalium. 2010.

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