
/kool"neuh/, n.
a city in S Bangladesh, on the delta of the Ganges. 437,304.

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City (pop., 1991: metro. area, 877,388), southwestern Bangladesh.

Located northeast of Kolkata (Calcutta), India, it is an important river port and trade centre and is connected by road and rail to the major cities of the southern Ganges delta. It became a municipality in 1884 and it is the seat of a university.

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      city, southwestern Bangladesh. It lies along the Bhairab River in the south-central Padma River (Ganges [Ganga] River) (Ganges River) delta. An important river port and produce-collection and trade centre, it is connected by riverboat, road, and rail to the major cities of the region. Shipyards are located about 3 miles (5 km) to the south, on the Kazibacha River. Forest products from the forest-and-swamp area known as the Sundarbans supply Khulna's textile, paper, and board mills, as well as its match and newsprint factories. The city also produces steel, cables, milled rice, and flour. Khulna was constituted a municipality in 1884 and now is home to Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (1974), Khulna University (1987), and several other institutions of higher learning. The surrounding area, between the Hugli (Hugli River) (India) and Meghna (Meghna River) estuaries of the Padma delta, consists of a flat alluvial plain intersected by silt-laden rivers. Pop. (2001) city, 884,445; urban area, 1,172,831.

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Universalium. 2010.

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