
/kay dear"ee/, n.
a city on E Java, in Indonesia. 178,865.

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City (pop., 1995 est.: 253,760), eastern Java, Indonesia.

It is located in the valley of the Brantas River, southwest of Surabaya. In the 11th to 13th centuries it lay at the heart of a powerful Hindu kingdom, also named Kediri; after 1830 it became the capital of a residency under Dutch administration. The modern city is a trading centre for local agricultural products, including sugar, coffee, and rice.

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ancient  Kadiri 

      city, Jawa Timur provinsi (province), eastern Java, Indonesia. It is situated on the Brantas River, at the foot of Mount Wilis, 65 miles (105 km) southwest of Surabaya. It is the centre of a sugar industry and of trade in such agricultural products as coffee, tobacco, rice, and cassava. The city's light manufacturing includes textile and lumber mills and machine shops. The surrounding area has numerous Hindu ruins. Pop. (2000) 244,519.

ancient  Kadiri 

      traditional region of eastern Java, Indonesia. From the 11th to the early 13th century, Kediri was the dominant kingdom in eastern Java, renowned for its naval and commercial strength and for its achievements in literature. It was absorbed into the later kingdoms of Singasari and Majapahit and then by the central Java kingdom of Mataram. After the Java War (182530) the region was ceded to the Dutch, and Kediri became a residency under Dutch administration.

      The region contains high mountains, such as Mount Liman (8,409 feet [2,563 metres]) and Mount Kelud (5,679 feet [1,731 metres]). Teak is obtained from its forests, and its fertile plains produce rice, sugarcane, cotton, cassava, corn (maize), peanuts, coconuts, soybeans, andfrom estatescoffee, cocoa, quinine, tobacco, and indigo. The area's chief city is Kediri.

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Universalium. 2010.

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