
/keuh tahng"geuh, -tang"-/, n.
former name of Shaba.

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historical state, Africa
formerly (197297)  Shaba  

      historical region in southeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo), bordering Lake Tanganyika to the east, Zambia to the south, and Angola to the west. The name Shaba, the region's name during the Zairean period, comes from the Swahili word for copper, and the region's mines yield most of Congo's copper, cobalt, uranium, zinc, cadmium, silver, germanium, coal, gold, iron, manganese, and tin. Local people used those minerals before the arrival of Europeans in the 19th century. Economic development since 1900 has brought about a complex of mining and industrial towns and transportation and communications networks, which make the region the most highly industrialized in Congo outside of Kinshasa, the national capital. Agriculture (cotton, tobacco, corn [maize], and vegetables), livestock herding, and poultry raising are also significant. The major towns of the region include Lubumbashi, Likasi, and Kolwezi. Upemba and Kundelungu national parks are in Katanga.

      Katanga was under Belgian colonial administration from 1885 and was the scene of much strife following independence. In 1960, led by a local politician, Moise Tshombe (Tshombe, Moise), and supported by foreign mining interests, Katanga seceded from the newly independent Congo and entered into a period of political confusion and bloodshed involving Congolese, Belgian, and United Nations forces. After the fighting ended in 1963, the region gradually became reintegrated into the republic, while some rebel leaders took refuge in Angola. In 1977 they unsuccessfully invaded Zaire (as Congo was then called) from Angola, and unrest continued into the late 20th century.

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