
Fr. /kahonn kahonn"/, n.
a city in E Guinea. 265,000.

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      town, eastern Guinea. Located at the head of navigation of the Milo River (a tributary of the Niger), it was founded as a caravan centre (salt, gold, kola nuts) by Soninke merchants in the 18th century.

      Kankan is now the nation's second largest town andas the terminus of the 411-mile (661-kilometre) railway from Conakry and the hub of roads from Bamako (Mali), Siguiri, Kouroussa, and Nzérékoréit is the commercial and transportation centre of Guinea's northeastern savanna region. It is also the chief trading centre of the Malinke and Diula peoples. Kankan has light manufacturing and traditional craft (gold, ivory, wood) industries. Educational institutions include the University of Kankan (1963), the national police school (1959) at Camp Soundiata, a vocational school, and a rice research institute. Pop. (2004 est.) 113,900.

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