
/kah"mah kooh"rddah/, n.
1. a city on S Honshu, in central Japan, on Sagami Bay: great bronze statue of Buddha. 172,612.
2. the first period, 1185-1333, during which Japan was ruled by a feudal regime.

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      city, Kanagawa ken (prefecture), Honshu, Japan, on the Pacific Ocean, south of Yokohama. Situated at the western base of the Miura Peninsula, it is enclosed on three sides by hills and has fine sandy beaches to the south. Kamakura was a small fishing village until it was established as a capital of the Minamoto clan in 1180. It then retained its political status as the second capital of Japan for about 300 years. Civil wars, tidal waves, and fires led to a decline that was arrested during the Tokugawa period (16031867), when the town became a tourist centre. During that time, palaces, temples, and residences of nobles were built. Neighbouring villages were incorporated in 1939 and 1948.

      Kamakura functions as a historic site, a resort, and a residential district along the Yokosuka Line (railway). The Ōfuna area developed industrially after 1945. Historic landmarks include the bronze Great Buddha, or Daibutsu, a national treasure; the Kenchō and Engaku temples; and the statue of Kannon, the goddess of compassion. The city houses the Kamakura Museum and the Kamakura Prefectural Museum of Modern Art. The beaches of Yui-ga-hama and Shichiri-ga-hama attract thousands of tourists. A lacquerware using the technique of Kamakura-bori, developed and maintained by Buddhist sculptors since the 13th century, is still produced as a folk art. Pop. (2005) 171,158.

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