
/kal"mee euh/, n.
any North American evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Kalmia, of the heath family, having showy flowers, as the mountain laurel.
[ < NL (Linnaeus), after Peter Kalm (1715-79), Swedish botanist; see -IA]

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evergreen shrub
      any of about seven species of evergreen shrubs constituting a genus (Kalmia) in the heath family (Ericaceae). All the species occur in North America and the West Indies, and one species is more widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. The leaves, which are borne on short stalks, are smooth-edged and opposite, alternate, or whorled (i.e., with three or more growing from one point in a circle). The often bowl-shaped, five-lobed showy flowers are pink, purple, lavender, or white and are borne in terminal or lateral (arising from the leaf axil) clusters. The anthers are usually tucked into pockets on the inner surface of the petals. When touched by an insect, the anthers spring free, scattering pollen onto the insect's body. Three species are particularly well known: K. angustifolia (lambkill), sometimes called sheep laurel, dwarf laurel, and pig laurel; K. latifolia, sometimes called mountain laurel, American laurel, calico bush, and spoonwood; and K. polifolia, sometimes called pale laurel, bog laurel, or bog kalmia.

      K. angustifolia occurs throughout eastern North America, most often on damp soil in open areas. It grows about 90170 cm (about 36 feet) tall and has erect, unbranching stems, with lance-shaped leaves that are opposite and narrow. The lavender or rose flowers grow in lateral clusters.

      K. latifolia occurs in most mountainous regions of eastern North America. It grows to about 1 metre (3 feet) in height, and its oval leaves are alternate or whorled. The rosy, pink, or white flowers appear in large terminal clusters. It is quite commonly cultivated.

      K. polifolia, found in peaty or boggy soils of northern North America, grows to about 0.6 metre (2 feet), has oval leaves (opposite or whorled), and rosy or bluish pink flowers that grow in a terminal cluster.

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