
/kah'lee mahn"tahn/, n.
Indonesian name of Borneo, esp. referring to the southern, or Indonesian, part.

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      southern three-quarters of the island of Borneo (q.v.) that is politically part of Indonesia. Indonesians, however, use the word as a geographic term for the entire island. The origin of the name Kalimantan is obscure. In Sarawak the term Kelamantan refers to the sago-eating peoples of northern Borneo. Indonesian Kalimantan is divided into four propinsi-propinsi (provinces): Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, and Kalimantan Timur.

      The history of Indonesian Borneo is closely linked to that of India, and there is considerable evidence of Indian cultural influences. Inscriptions in Sanskrit that date from the late 5th century have been found there, as well as an early Buddha figure. Numbers of other Buddhist and Hindu images that date from the 7th to the 11th century and that show Javanese influence have also been found in eastern Borneo. The Śrivijaya empire of Sumatra was, in fact, the predominant power in southern and western Borneo from the 7th century until the Majapahit empire of eastern Java conquered the area in the 14th century. With the arrival of Islām in the 16th century, a number of separate Muslim states were formed. In the first half of the 17th century, the Dutch extended their influence in Borneo by a series of trade and fortification agreements with individual states and also by intervening in internal disputes. British involvement in the affairs of the sultanate of Brunei and the British acquisition of territory eventually led the Dutch to adopt a more active policy of expansion. By 1863 they had established colonial rule, though sporadic resistance continued until 1905. The island was occupied by the Japanese during World War II. With news of Japanese surrender came a strong Indonesian independence movement, and, though the Dutch at first attempted to retain control, Kalimantan became a part of the Republic of Indonesia in 194950.

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