
Jutish, adj.
/jooht/, n.
a member of a continental Germanic tribe, probably from Jutland, that invaded Britain in the 5th century A.D. and settled in Kent.

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Either of two herbaceous annuals (Corchorus capsularis and C. olitorius, in the linden family), or their fibre.

The plants grow 1012 ft (34 m) high and have long, serrated, tapered, light green leaves and small yellow flowers. Jute has been grown and processed in the Bengal area of India and Bangladesh since ancient times. Its biggest use is in burlap sacks and bags, which are used to ship and store many agricultural products. High-quality jute cloths are used as backing for tufted carpets and hooked rugs. Coarser jute fibres are made into twines, rough cordage, and doormats.

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      member of a Germanic people who, with the Angles and Saxons, invaded Britain in the 5th century AD. The Jutes have no recorded history on the European continent, but there is considerable evidence that their home was in the Scandinavian area (probably Jutland) and that those who did not migrate were later absorbed by the Danes. According to the Venerable Bede (Bede the Venerable, Saint), the Jutes settled in Kent, the Isle of Wight, and parts of Hampshire. In Kent their name soon died out, but there is considerable evidence in the social structure of that area that its settlers were of a different race from their neighbours. There is archaeological evidence to confirm Bede's statement that the Isle of Wight and Kent were settled by the same people, and their presence in Hampshire is confirmed by place-names.

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