
/joor"euh/; Fr. /zhyuu rddann"/, n.
1. a department in E France. 238,856; 1952 sq. mi. (5055 sq. km). Cap.: Lons-le-Saunier.

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      canton, northwestern Switzerland, comprising the folded Jura Mountains in the south and extending northward to the hilly region of the limestone Jura Plateau, including the districts of the Franches Montagnes and the Ajoie. Bordering France to the north and west, it is bounded on the south by Bern canton and on the east by Solothurn canton and Basel-Landschaft demicanton. It is drained mainly by the Rivers Doubs (tributary to the Saône-Rhone) and Birs (tributary to the Rhine).

      In 999 the Abbacy of Moutier-Grandval, comprising much of present-day Jura canton, was donated by the king of Burgundy to the bishop of Basel. For more than 800 years, up to the French Revolution, this prince bishopric remained a sovereign state within the Holy Roman Empire, with close ties to the Swiss Confederation after the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 joined the Jura region to Bern canton. Dissension with the rest of predominately Protestant, German-speaking Bern canton and separatist feelings among the mainly French-speaking Roman Catholic Jurassiens led eventually to requests for an independent canton. In 1977 a constitution was accepted, and a year later the Swiss people voted for the creation of Jura canton. In 1979 it officially became the 23rd canton in the Swiss Confederation.

      The principal economic activities are agriculture and cattle and horse breeding. Watchmaking, metal products, machinery, and tobacco industries are important. Delémont is the canton's capital. Area 324 square miles (838 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 69,262.

      fourth largest island of the Inner Hebrides, Argyll and Bute council area, historic county of Argyllshire, Scotland. It is 27 miles (43 km) long, 2–8 miles (3–13 km) wide, and almost bisected by Loch Tarbert (a sea loch). A mountain range culminating in the Paps of Jura—with an elevation of 2,571 feet (784 metres)—runs the length of the island. Cattle and sheep are raised; and oats, barley, and potatoes are cultivated along the eastern shore, where most of the population live. There is some fishing at Craighouse, the only village. Pop. (2001) 188.

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Universalium. 2010.

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