junior college

junior college
1. a collegiate institution offering courses only through the first one or two years of college instruction and granting a certificate of title instead of a degree.
2. a division of a college, university, or university system offering general courses during the first two years of instruction or fulfilling administrative duties applicable to freshmen and sophomores.
[1895-1900, Amer.]

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Educational institution that provides up to two years of college-level academic, technical, and vocational instruction with emphasis on career preparation.

Roots of the junior college may be traced to the Chautauqua movement and other adult-education programs created after the American Civil War. The first junior college opened in Joliet, Ill., in 1901. The vast majority of junior colleges are publicly supported; called community colleges, they offer a variety of flexible programs that are often nontraditional in style and content. They have pioneered in offering part-time study, evening sessions, instruction by television, weekend workshops, and other services for members of their communities. Students rarely live on campus. Graduates of junior or community colleges ordinarily earn an associate's degree. They then transfer to a four-year college or enter the workforce. See also continuing education.

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also called  Community College,  

      educational institution that provides two years of academic instruction beyond secondary school, as well as technical and vocational (vocational education) training to prepare graduates for careers. Public junior colleges are often called community colleges. Such colleges are in many ways an extension of the public-school system, providing terminal education (vocational and semiprofessional training) for many students and providing the first two years of undergraduate college study to others. Junior colleges usually also offer a variety of flexible programs that are nontraditional in style and content. They have pioneered in offering part-time study, evening sessions, instruction by television, weekend workshops, and other services for members of their communities.

      The history of the junior college as an organized institution began early in the 20th century. William Rainey Harper (Harper, William Rainey), the first president of the University of Chicago (Chicago, University of), was the father of the junior college. Harper organized the new university in Chicago into two divisionsa senior and a junior collegein the 1890s. He was later influential in the establishment of junior colleges in Illinois and elsewhere. The first public junior college was founded in Joliet, Ill., in 1901 under Harper's influence. In 1907 California introduced the public two-year college. Under its state-wide system that makes junior colleges branches of the state university, California enrolled in community colleges nearly half of all its college students. By 1915 there were more than 70 junior colleges in the United States. In the early 1920s there were more than 200 such schools, and the American Association of Junior Colleges (later American Association of Community and Junior Colleges) was organized. During the Depression of the 1930s, they helped meet the need for less costly public higher education. Growth after World War II accelerated, stimulated by a large influx of returning veteran-students and of federal funds and local support for higher education and vocational training. By the late 20th century there were more than 1,200 junior colleges in the United States, with a total enrollment making up about 40 percent of all undergraduate enrollment in the nation.

      Public community colleges are usually controlled by local, municipal, or state governments. They typically follow liberal admissions policies, offering instruction to all secondary-school graduates or even to any adults (adult education) who might benefit from such instruction. Most community colleges charge nominal or no fees and tuition. They provide a wide range of services to residents and organizations of their community or school district. In addition to academic subjects for undergraduates earning credits for graduation or for transfer to a four-year school, a typical community college catalog may offer instruction in such practical topics as auto repair, retirement planning, or computer skills. Many schools will organize a special course on any subject for which there is a demand.

      Graduates of community and junior colleges ordinarily earn an associate's degree. The degree most awarded is the associate in arts (A.A.); others include associate in applied science and associate in business administration. Programs following the U.S. model have been introduced in other countries, including Canada, the Philippines, and Japan.

      The schools have been criticized for giving too much attention to topics of immediate and practical interest to the disadvantage of rigorous education in the disciplines of higher education. They have been defended, on the other hand, as institutions that provide democratic educational opportunities not available elsewhere and that serve their communities as resource centres for lifelong learning.

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