
/jooh"noh/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Alaska, in the SE part. 19,528.

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City (pop., 2000: 30,711), capital of Alaska, U.S. Located in southeastern Alaska, it was settled in 1880 when Joe Juneau and Richard Harris discovered gold nearby.

Mining was important until the Alaska-Juneau gold mine closed in 1944. Juneau was made the state capital in 1959. Fishing, forestry, and government activities are important, as is tourism. In 1970 Juneau merged with Douglas, on an island across the channel, to form the largest U.S. city in area (3,108 sq mi [8,050 sq km]).

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  city and borough, capital (since 1906) of Alaska, U.S. The city, at the heart of the Inside Passage (Alaska Marine Highway), is located in the southeastern part of the state, on the Gastineau Channel. Sheltered from the Pacific Ocean by a belt of islands 75 miles (120 km) wide, it lies at the foot of Mounts Roberts (3,819 feet [1,164 metres]) and Juneau (3,576 feet [1,090 metres]).

 The area was originally inhabited by Tlingit Indians, who fished the salmon-rich waters of the channel. It was settled in 1880 when gold (gold rush) was discovered by Joe Juneau and Richard Harris. Large-scale mining replaced panning in short order. The city, which had been laid out in 1880, was formed in 1900, when it was named the territorial capital (the actual seat of government was moved from Sitka to Juneau in 1906). The first session of the territorial legislature was held in Juneau in 1913. In 1916 the Alaska-Juneau gold mine was built (ceased operations 1944), and gold was mined on Douglas Island until 1917, when a flood and cave-in caused the closure of Treadwell mine. In 1970 Juneau merged with Douglas (with which it is connected by a bridge erected in 1935), on the island across the channel, to form the largest city (in area) in the United States, covering 3,248 square miles (8,412 square km). The state's oil boom precipitated a number of capital-improvement programs in the city in the 1970s and early 1980s.

      Government activities are central to Juneau's economy, employing some two-fifths of the workforce. Fishing and forestry are also important, as is tourism, particularly because of cruise ships plying the Inside Passage. Juneau is connected with the Alaska Highway by ferry through the Haines Cut-Off. Winter snowfall seldom accumulates more than a foot, and the port is ice-free. Juneau is the seat of University of Alaska (Alaska, University of) Southeast (1972) and home of the Alaska State Museum (1900), and it also contains the oldest Russian Orthodox church (built 1894) in southeastern Alaska. The Mount Roberts Tramway, which ascends some 2,000 feet (600 metres), provides riders with a picturesque view of the city and delivers them to a series of walkways and hiking trails. Douglas Island is a popular site for skiing, and other recreational activities include kayaking, dogsledding, whale watching, and hiking. Juneau lies within Tongass National Forest. Nearby are Mendenhall Glacier, part of the extensive Juneau Icefield, 13 miles (21 km) north; Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, which with Kluane National Park and Reserve (Yukon Territory, Canada), WrangellSt. Elias National Park and Preserve (WrangellSaint Elias National Park and Preserve) (Alaska, U.S.), and Tatshenshini-Alsek National Park (Tatshenshini-Alsek Wilderness Provincial Park) (British Columbia, Canada) constitutes a World Heritage site, to the northwest; and Kootznoowoo Wilderness Area and Admiralty Island National Monument, featuring a large concentration of brown bears, to the south. Pop. (2000) 30,711; (2006 est.) 30,737.

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