
judicially, adv.judicialness, n.
/jooh dish"euhl/, adj.
1. pertaining to judgment in courts of justice or to the administration of justice: judicial proceedings; the judicial system.
2. pertaining to courts of law or to judges; judiciary: judicial functions.
3. of or pertaining to a judge; proper to the character of a judge; judgelike: judicial gravity.
4. inclined to make or give judgments; critical; discriminating: a judicial mind.
5. decreed, sanctioned, or enforced by a court: a judicial decision.
6. giving or seeking judgment, as in a dispute or contest; determinative: a judicial duel over lands.
7. inflicted by God as a judgment or punishment.
[1350-1400; ME < L judicialis of the law courts, equiv. to judici(um) judgment (see JUDGE, -IUM) + -alis -AL1]
Syn. 1, 2. juridical. 2. forensic. 4. See judicious.

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